The Weekend Tab de uke por SZA

6 Acordes usados na música: B/D#, Emaj7, G#m7, Gm7, F#m6, D#7

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Ano:  2017
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
back, all up in your lap
B/D# B/D# Emaj7 Emaj7
Like is you comin' home? Is you out with her?
G#m7 G#m7
I don't care long as you're here by ten thirty
Gm7 Gm7 F#m6 F#m6
No later than, drop them drawers
Emaj7 Emaj7
Give me what I want

D#7 D#7
Heard it's her man too
B/D# B/D# Emaj7 Emaj7
My man is my man is your man

Heard that's her man
G#m7 G#m7 Gm7 Gm7
Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
F#m6 F#m6 Emaj7 Emaj7

you want


My man is my man is your man
D#7 D#7
Heard it's her man too
B/D# B/D# Emaj7 Emaj7
My man is my man is your man

Heard that's her man
G#m7 G#m7 Gm7 Gm7
Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
F#m6 F#m6 Emaj7 Emaj7
I just keep him satisfied through the weekend
D#7 D#7
You're like 9 to 5, I'm the weekend
B/D# B/D# Emaj7 Emaj7
Make him lose his mind every weekend

You take Wednesday, Thursday
G#m7 G#m7 Gm7 Gm7
Then just send him my way
F#m6 F#m6 Emaj7 Emaj7
Think I got it covered for the weekend

I just keep him satisfied through the weekend
D#7 D#7
You're like 9 to 5, I'm the weekend
B/D# B/D# Emaj7 Emaj7
Make him lose his mind every weekend

You take Wednesday, Thursday
G#m7 G#m7 Gm7 Gm7
Then just send him my way
F#m6 F#m6 Emaj7 Emaj7
Think I got it covered for the weekend

Tab de uke por , 19 Ago 2019

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