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In my backyard I have boxes
I have spices and parked cars
In your backyard you have mountains
You have highway, you see the stars
I don't see stars from my backyard
Oh, but I believe that they are there
If you see one would you wish on it
for me here
Eyes on the treeline, feet in the sand
These things surround me, and I can't breathe in
But you won't see me in the valley
On your mountain you have branded
an initial monogram
In my window I have neon
not much brighter, but draws me in
If I don't make it to the summit
would you send someone down?
Call for backup if I can't make it up
on my own
Eyes on the treeline, feet in the sand
These things surround me, and I can't breathe in
But you won't see me in the valley
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