On The Borderline Tab de uke por Roadgeek

6 Acordes usados na música: C#maj7, F, C#, Eb, A, D

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2012
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
C#maj7 C#maj7 F F

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
You never get older

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
Staying undefined

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
No fresh faced elder

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
Turned water to wine

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
Stand a bit closer to fleeting fires

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
And I won't try to lift a boulder

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
The chip that's off my shoulder is thicker than a fry

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
Come pretend you didn't know her

C#maj7 C#maj7
Help me to get over

And Off the Borderline

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
Go and set the world alight

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
As you wait on your wealth

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
Go and get another life

C#maj7 C#maj7 F F
To turn into yourself

C# C# Eb Eb F F
Don't say we snowflakes aren't alike

C# C# Eb Eb F F
I'm a lot like you in a lot of ways

C# C# Eb Eb F F
You don't wanna be behind the guise

C# C# Eb Eb A A
Sitting stuck and on the Borderline


C#maj7 C#maj7

Don't stop going forward

C#maj7 C#maj7
Nothing lights the way

Just stick to the white line

C#maj7 C#maj7
Against this

Are you for or against this

C#maj7 C#maj7
You know you'll never make it

Off the Borderline

C# C# Eb Eb F F
Don't say we snowflakes aren't alike

C# C# Eb Eb F F
I'm a lot like you in a lot of ways

C# C# Eb Eb F F
You don't wanna be behind the guise

C# C# Eb Eb A A
Sitting stuck and on the Borderline


C#maj7 C#maj7 F F

# Enjoy! :D

Tab de uke por , 30 Mai 2013

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