Lily Of The Valley Tab de uke por Queen

11 Acordes usados na música: C, G7, Am, Dm, G, Dm7, A7, C#dim, C7, F, Am7

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  1974
Tom: desconhecidoCifras e Tablatura

C C G7 G7 Am Am
I am forever searching high and low
Am Am Dm Dm
But why does every body tell me no?
Dm Dm G G C C Dm7 Dm7 G G
Neptune of the seas, an answer for me please
C C Dm7 Dm7 G G (play tab below)
The lily of the valley doesn't know


Dm Dm A7 A7 C#dim C#dim Dm Dm
I lie and wait with open eyes
Dm Dm C7 C7 F F
I carry on through stormy skies
F F C C C7 C7 C C
I follow every course, my kingdom for a horse
F F C C Dm Dm C C G G
But each time I grow old
C C Dm7 Dm7 G G C C Dm7 Dm7 G G
Serpent of the Nile, relieve me for a while
C C F F G G Am7 Am7 G G C C
cast me from your spell and let me go

C C G7 G7 Am Am
Messenger from seven seas has flown
Am Am Dm Dm
To tell the king of Rhye he's lost his throne
Dm Dm G G C C Dm7 Dm7 G G
Wars will never cease, is there time enough for peace?
C C Dm7 Dm7 G G (play tab below)
The lily of the valley doesn't know

(fade out)

Tab de uke por , 05 Mai 2019

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