5 Acordes usados na música: Am, F, Dm, E, A
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Am F Am
I see you chippin' away again
Am F Am
Your own icicle island
Am F Dm F
Howling alone, the lies and the bone
Am F E
Hoping to fade and disappear into the white
Am F Am
A polar bear
Am F Am
Am F Am
A moat of icy water
Am F Am
No end in sight save your own
Am F Dm F
I know that look of fear, I'm well-aware
Am F E
No need to brave it all alone
Am F Am
I'll be there
Am F Am
I'll be there
Am F Am
I see you chippin' away again
Am F Am
Your own icicle island
Am F Dm F
I know that look of fear, I'm well-aware
Am F E
No need to brave it all alone
Am F Am
I'll be there
Am F Am
I'll be there
Am F Dm E
Hoping to fade and disappear into the white
A polar-
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Sobre esta música: Polar Bear
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