What Im Aking For (lumity /toh) Fansong I Did In The Span Of A Week Between Several Headaches Tab de uke por Pumkin_bee

4 Acordes usados na música: C, E7, F, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: AmAcordes
C C                         E7 E7                F F
how shall I confess without it feeling kinda
Fm Fm
stressed out of my system

C C E7 E7 F F
what I fell towards you and telling you what
Fm Fm
I've been luz-ing myself for
C C E7 E7
I mumble and blush when you say my name
but when you say we're just friends I don't
Fm Fm
want to speak ever again!
(I've been taking for too long...)
C C E7 E7
people just say that love is a game
F F Fm Fm
and for God's sake I seem to luz again and again

C C E7 E7
it's like a crack in my heart and when it
F F Fm Fm
apart put a bandaid and call it a day
(we're boo-boo buddy's!)
C C E7 E7
I've been dwelling about my thoughts on loop
like a broken record that's been played just
Fm Fm
too many times

C C E7 E7
cuz if those words came out off my mouth
I'll be destroying what I've been working so
Fm Fm
hard for all my life

C C E7 E7 F F
I want to spill what's on my heart for you
Fm Fm

C C E7 E7
I never would have seen my self falling head
F F Fm Fm
over heels for a girl like you
but with those lips
E7 E7
those eyes and that
God forsaken and smile
Fm Fm
you're everything I would ask for
F F Fm Fm C C
everything that I am falling, stalling and asking for

ill probably be posting the song on my yt soon so look foward to that i guess?,,,,

Tab de uke por , 12 Set 2020

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