Baby Come Back Tab de uke por Player

13 Acordes usados na música: Ab/Bb, Gm, Cm7, Bb/C, C, Abmaj7, Gm7, Fm7, Bb/D, Dbmaj7, Bb, Gbmaj7, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  1998
Tom: desconhecidoCifras e Tablatura
|Ab/Bb     |Gm      |Ab/Bb     |Gm        |
||:Ab/Bb Ab/Bb |Gm Gm |Ab/Bb Ab/Bb |Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7 :||

|2/4 NC |Ab/Bb |Gm |
Spending all my nights, all my money going out on the town
|Ab/Bb |Gm
Doing anything just to get you off of my mind
|Ab/Bb |Gm |
But when the morning comes, I'm right back where I started again
|Ab/Bb Ab/Bb |Bb/C Bb/C C C
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time

|Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm7 Gm7 Cm7 Cm7
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
|Fm7 Fm7 Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Bb/D Bb/D Cm7 Cm7 Fm7 Fm7 Cm7 Cm7 Gm7 Gm7|
There was something in everything about you
|Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm7 Gm7 Cm7 Cm7
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
|Fm7 Fm7 Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7 |
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

|Ab/Bb |Gm |

|Ab/Bb |Gm |
All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado
|Ab/Bb |Gm
Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear
|Ab/Bb |Gm |
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again
|Ab/Bb Ab/Bb |Bb/C Bb/C C C
How I wish to God that you were here

Baby come back.....

|Bb |

|Gbmaj7 |Dbmaj7 |
Now that I put it all together
|Gbmaj7 |Dbmaj7 |
Give me the chance to make you see
|Gbmaj7 Gbmaj7 |Fm7 Fm7 Bb Bb |
Have you used up all the love in your heart
|Bb |Bb |
Nothing left for me, ain't there nothing left for me

|2/4 NC |Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
|Fm7 Fm7 Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Bb/D Bb/D Cm7 Cm7 Fm7 Fm7 Cm7 Cm7 Gm7 Gm7|
There was something in everything about you
|Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
|Fm7 Fm7 Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7 |
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

|Fm7 Fm7 Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Bb/D Bb/D Cm7 Cm7 Fm7 Fm7 Cm7 Cm7 Gm7 Gm7|
I was wrong, and I just can't live

|Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7 |Fm Fm Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Bb/D Bb/D Cm7 Cm7 Fm7 Fm7 Cm7 Cm7 Gm7 Gm7|
|Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7 |Fm Fm Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Bb/D Bb/D Cm7 Cm7 Fm7 Fm7 |
|Abmaj7 Abmaj7 |Gm Gm Cm7 Cm7 |Fm Fm Gm7 Gm7 |Cm7 Cm7 Bb/D Bb/D Cm7 Cm7 Fm7 Fm7 Cm7 Cm7 Gm7 Gm7|
Rep & Fade

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me

*Comments: [email protected]

Tab de uke por , 04 Fev 2009

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