Shady Lane Tab de uke por Pavement

6 Acordes usados na música: G, Em, Bm, C, Am, D

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2010
Tom: G, EmCifras e Tablatura

G G Em Em Bm Bm
Blind date with a chancer we had Oysters and dry lancers and the check
When it arrived we went dutch dutch dutch dutch
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
A A redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash and this emory board is giving me a rash
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
Im flat out your're so beautiful to look at when you cry
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
Freeze don't move you've chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation of the sequel to your life

G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
A A shady lane, everybody wants one
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
A A shady lane, everybody needs one
C C Am Am G G D D
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god
C C Am Am G G D D
Oh my god, oh your god, oh his god, oh her god
C C Am Am G G
It's everybody's god, it's everybody's god, it's everybody's god,
It's everybody's god
Em Em C C D D C C G G
The worlds collide, but all that I want is a shady lane

G G Em Em
Glance, don't stare
Bm Bm C C
Soon you're being told to recognize your heirs
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
No, not me, I'm an island of such great complexity
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
Stress surrounds in the muddy peaceful center of this town
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
Tell me off in the hotel lobby right in front of all the bellboys and the
over-friendly concierge

G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
A A shady lane, everybody wants one
G G Em Em Bm Bm C C
A A shady lane, everybody needs one
C C Am Am G G D D
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god
C C Am Am G G D D
Oh my god, oh your god, oh his god, oh her god
C C Am Am G G
It's everybody's god, it's everybody's god, it's everybody's god,
It's everybody's god
Em Em C C D D C C G G
The worlds collide, but all that I want is a shady lane

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Tab de uke por , 08 Abr 2013

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