2 Acordes usados na música: C, G7
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Transpor cifras:
C Dmin
10 little penguins waddling around
A tiny little iceburg near penguin town
C Dmin
One penguin said I'm ready for some fun
Jumped into the water and splashed under the sun.
9 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said it's great to be alive
Jumped into the water with a fancy penguin dive
8 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said I just gotta be me
Jumped into the water and danced around the sea
7 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said This iceberg's kind of small
Jumped into the water and did a cannonball
6 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said those dolphins wanna play
Jumped into the water and played with them all day
5 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said I think it's time to eat
Jumped into the water and had a little treat
4 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said this is getting kind of old
Jumped into the water yelling whoa it's ca ca cold
3 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said I don't wanna be last
Jumped into the water and swam away fast
2 little penguins waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
One penguin said where did everybody go?
Jumped into the water in super slow-mo
1 little penguin waddling aroundA tiny little iceberg near penguin town
The last penguin said I don't wanna be alone
Jumped into the water and swam on home
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