4 Acordes usados na música: C, F, G7, G
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
c f
lisa #### ##### ##' ### way ## #### ### lips
c f
She's a ### # ### ######## #### pendulum hips
#### ### deep brown ####
c f c
That've #### ## all
c f
Working ## # ######### #### ### called The ######
c f
### bar men #### ## #### ### "Little Lisa, Loney Tunes"
c f c
### ### down ## ###### anyone
g7 f
From ### #### #### ###### ### the Chelsea ####
g7 f
#### #### her hair was ##### ###### ######## day ## #### ####
She said :
c f
g7 f
You've ### #### #### ##### ### sence ## ######
c f g7
You've ### ##### ### #### ##### #### ### way
c f
g7 f
What ### #### #### ### will #### #### #####
c f g7
You've ### heart ### ### ##### #### own way
g f g f
On my last ##### ## earth, I #### look to ### sky
c f c g
#### breathe in ### air and blink ## ### light
g f g f
On my last ##### ## earth, I'll pay a #### price
c f c g
To have no regrets ### ## done #### my life
(repeat chorus!)
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