The Player Of My Game Tab de uke por Moreno

4 Acordes usados na música: C, G, Am, F

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C, AmAcordes
Intro C C G G Am Am F F

The first day i saw you
i thought you were kinda cute
Then you talked to me
And i just knew you were made for me

We talked almost everyday
Everything was going great
I fell in love with you
But suddenly it came the truth

Like a magic trick you disappeared
Everytime you got scared
Cause you didn't have the braveness
To tell me to my face

I got tired of losing time
And now that the papers have Changed
Cause you have becomed the player
The player of my game

You didn't have the right
To break in pieces my fucking heart
You aren't the first guy
But i'm sure you'll be the last one

I learned to love myself
And don't forget my mental health
Enough of breaking downs
Now i have new plan

Chorus 2
Like a magic trick I disappeared
And treat you like we were just friends
Cause you didn't have the braveness
To tell me to my face

I got tired of losing time
And now that the papers have Changed
Cause you have becomed the player
The player of my game

You know what? That kinda hurt
I thought you were a good guy
You tried to seem very nice
but you played with my fucking heart

You wanted High self-steem
You thought playing me would give you it
But instead you lowed me mine
And you made me cry all night

I got tired of being the innocent one
It's time for me to play my cards
You didn't think i would do that
My revenge has just begun

Final chorus
I got tired of losing time
And now that the papers have Changed
that's why you have becomed the player
The player of my game

Tab de uke por , 11 Mai 2021

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