2 Acordes usados na música: Dadd9, G
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
#Hammer on the d on theDadd9#
Oh gotta see, gotta know right now
What's that riding on your everything?G
It isn't anything at all
Oh gotta see, gotta know right nowDadd9
What's that writing on your shelf
In the bathrooms and the bad motels?G
No one really cared for it at all
Not the gravity planDadd9
Early, early in the morning
It pulls all on down my sore feetG
I wanna go back to sleep
(switch your strum to singles)Dadd9
In the motions and the things that you sayG
It all will fall, fall right into placeDadd9
As fruit drops, flesh it sagsG
Everything will fall right into placeDadd9
When we die, some sink and some layG
But at least I don't see you float awayDadd9
And all the spilt milk, sex and weightG
It all will fall, fall right into place
#rinse, lather, repeat#
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Sobre esta música: Gravity Rides Everything
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