Special Two Tab de uke por Missy Higgins

6 Acordes usados na música: Am, G, C, F, Dm, E7

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: AmAcordes
[Verse 1]
Am Am G G C C
I've hardly been outside my room in days,
Am Am G G C C
'cause I don't feel that I deserve the sunshine's rays.
Am Am G G C C
The darkness helped until the whiskey wore away,
Am Am G G C C
It was then I realised the conscience never fades.
Am Am G G C C
When you're young you have this image of your life,
Am Am G G C C
that you'll be scrupulous and one day even make a wife.
Am Am G G C C
And you'll make boundaries you never dream to cross,
Am Am G G C C
and if you happen to you wake completely lost.

But I will fight for you,
Am Am G G F F Am Am G G F F G G
be sure that I will fight until we're the special two once again.
Am Am G G C C F F Am Am G G
And we will only need each other we'll bleed together, our hands will not be taught to hold another's,
'Cause we're the special two.
Am Am G G C C F F
And we could only see each other, we'll breathe together, these arms will
Am Am G G
not be taught to need another's,
'Cause we're the special two.

Am Am G G C C F F Am Am G G C C

[Verse 2]
Am Am G G C C
I remember someone old once said to me,
Am Am G G C C
that 'lies will lock you up with truth the only key'.
Am Am G G C C
But I was comfortable and warm inside my shell,
Am Am G G C C
and couldn't see this place could soon become my hell.
Am Am G G C C
So is it better to tell and hurt or lie to save their face?
Am Am G G C C
Well I guess the answer is don't do it in the first place.
Am Am G G C C
I know I’m not deserving of your trust from you right now,
Am Am G G C C F F
Oh, but if by chance you change your mind you know I will not let you down
Am Am G G C C G G
'Cause we were the special two, and will be again.

Am Am G G C C F F
And we will only need each other we'll bleed together, our hands will not be
Am Am G G
taught to hold another's,
'Cause we're the special two.
Am Am G G C C F F
And we could only see each other, we'll breathe together, these arms will
Am Am G G
not be taught to need another's,
'Cause we're the special two.

Dm Dm G G Am Am
I step outside my minds eye's for a minute
Dm Dm G G Am Am
And I look over me like a doctor looking for disease or something

that could ease the pain.
Dm Dm G G
But nothing cures the hurt you,
E7 E7 F F
Bring on by yourself,
Just remembering, just remembering how we were

But I will fight for you,
Am Am G G F F Am Am G G F F G G
be sure that I will fight until we're the special two once again.
Am Am G G C C F F
And we will only need each other we'll bleed together, our hands will not be
Am Am G G
taught to hold another's,
'Cause we're the special two.
Am Am G G C C F F
And we could only see each other, we'll breathe together, these arms will
Am Am G G
not be taught to need another's,
'Cause we're the special two.

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Tab de uke por , 27 Abr 2019

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