6 Acordes usados na música: Fmaj7, C, F, G, E7, Am
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
It’s a challenge
Waking up seeing the sky as grey as your mind
You can push your self and just get up
And wear a coat
But it’s a challenge
Yeah it’s a challenge
You walk through puddles in the rain to get to where you’re going
Cause it feels right
So let those rainbows apologise for those grey skies
And you love winter nights
But you also love long summer days
But choosing one is not so easy
Cause both are great and maybe have chosen wisely this time
You walk through puddles in the rain to get to where you’re going
Cause it feels right
So let the rainbow apologise for that grey sky
The storms are coming
They’re intense
Don’t hide away i know it’s loud but you can face it
Cause lightning lights up the world
In a beautiful way
You walk through puddles in the rain to get to where you’re going
Cause it feels right
So let the rainbow apologise for that grey sky
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