Lunar Years Tab de uke por Maisie Peters

5 Acordes usados na música: C#, F#, Bbm, G#, G#sus4

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C#Acordes
Verse 1]
C# C#
I know something that you don't know

Scathing down the landline, I still kind of love you
F# F#
And I'm four steps forward in my plimsolls

But I still wanna stab any girl that wants to touch you
C# C#
Church bells ringing for a fresh start

But you had a head start, always such an athlete
F# F#
And no one wants to kiss a bad sport

So I keep my head high, wave at all your family

C# C# Bbm Bbm
I knew you until you were someone else
F# F# G# G#
And I don't know if you ever knew yourself

C# C# Bbm Bbm
I guess we just weren't meant to be in love forever
F# F#
And I guess people just change
G# G#
You got good, I got better
C# C# Bbm Bbm
But I still care about you, and I think I'll care forevеr
F# F#
And I'm glad we got to do
G#sus4 G#sus4
All those perfеct, ugly, almost priceless
F# F# G#sus4 G#sus4 G# G# C# C#
Lost and lovely lunar years together

[Verse 2]
C# C#
I know something that you don't know

These days all our friends think you're kind of an arsehole
F# F#
And I've been cleaning up my sad act

Incense in the hallways burning through the charcoal
Bbm Bbm G#sus4 G#sus4
London's pretty in the autumn, and I'm a nicer person
F# F#
Now I'm not your person, funny how that works and
C# C# G# G#
Funny that we're working now

C# C# Bbm Bbm
I guess we just weren't meant to be in love forever
F# F#
And I guess people just change
G# G#
You got good, I got better
C# C# Bbm Bbm
But I still care about you, and I think I'll care forever
F# F#
And I'm glad we got to do
G#sus4 G#sus4
All those perfect, ugly, almost priceless
F# F# G#sus4 G#sus4 G# G# C# C#
Lost and lovely lunar years together

C# C# Bbm Bbm
Oh woah, mmm
F# F# G# G#
Oh woah, yeah

G#sus4 G#sus4
I knew you until you were someone else
F# F# G# G#
And I don't know if you ever knew yourself

C# C# Bbm Bbm
I guess we just weren't meant to be in love forever
F# F#
And I guess people just change
G# G#
You got good, I got better
C# C# Bbm Bbm
But I still care about you, and I think I'll care forever
F# F#
And I'm glad we got to do
G#sus4 G#sus4
All those perfect, ugly, almost priceless
F# F# G#sus4 G#sus4 G# G# C# C#
Lost and lovely lunar years together

C# C#

Tab de uke por , 28 Mai 2021

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