Where Happiness Lives Tab de uke por Magnet

6 Acordes usados na música: F, C, Am, G, D7, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2002
Tom: C, AmAcordes
F F                  C C      Am Am   G G       Am Am  
Well it was last October, on a Tuesday night
F F C C D7 D7 G G C C
She said, "Fuck you, it's over if you're getting high tonight"
F F C C Am Am G G Am Am
But he went straight down the white line and let a good thing down
F F C C D7 D7 G G C C
It wasn't driving her crazy, it drove her right out of town

# Chorus
Dm Dm C C G G
But there's a million miles to go
F F Am Am
To where happiness lives
Dm Dm C C G G
There's a million miles to go
F F Am Am
To where happiness lives
Dm Dm C C G G
There's a million miles to go
F F Am Am
To where happiness lives
Dm Dm C C G G
There's a million miles
F F Am Am
Still to go...

F F C C Am Am G G Am Am
He'll put his mind in detention and let his heart decide
F F C C D7 D7 G G C C
To try and catch her attention, he's got to catch a ride
F F C C Am Am G G Am Am
Use the last of the powder that lets him push ahead
F F C C D7 D7 G G C C
Move at the speed of lightning and leave the miles for the dead

# Chorus
But there's a million miles...

Tab de uke por , 03 Jan 2015

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