5 Acordes usados na música: C, Em, Am, G, Dm
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
And I'veEm
to my sense-Am
-es, thatG
I've become sense-C
-less and I couldEm
Give you les-Am
-sons on how toG
Ruin your friend-C
ships and everyEm
last convict-Am
-tion, IG
Smoked them all ah-C
-way, and I drankEm
My frustra-Am
-tions down theG
Drain and out the...
way, and so IEm
sit and wait andAm
Wonder, does any-G
One else feel likeDm
Me, Someone soC
Tired of theirG
routine, and disappearing self esteemC
And I'llAm
Sing alongG
yah with every emergencyC
Sing alongG
I'm the king of catastropheAm
And I'mC
So farG
gone, that deep down inside IAm
Think it'sC
Fine by meG
I'm my own worst enemy!
second verse same as first, second chorus same as first
third vers: just double up on the length you hold chords, same chords as first and second verse
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