New York Tab de uke por Lenny Kravitz

5 Acordes usados na música: Em, D, C, Am, B

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: EmAcordes
Em Em D D x4

Em Em D D
Broadway lights and taxi cabs
Em Em D D
Everybody's moving fast
Em Em D D
Uptown, downtown, what's your thing
Em Em D D
She can take what she can bring

C C Am Am
She gave me a life
Em Em
Came up through the inner city
C C Am Am Em Em
She raised me up and taught me to fight, yeah
C C Am Am
She opened my mind
Em Em
I got to the knitty gritty
C C Am Am B B
The greatest time that you'll ever find

Em Em D D
She is my heart
I love New York City
Em Em D D
She's lived and died
So many times, yeah
Em Em D D
Life is always tough
On New York City, oh lord
Em Em D D C C D D
But she is fine, she always survives, yeah

She's a queen that stands her ground
Nobody can take her down
Good times, bad times, she can swang
And did anyone a thang

She is a rock
As we pull but she is steady
And no one can take her freedom away, yeah (Can't take her freedom)
I love her style
Whether she is clean or dirty
She's the greatest town that you'll ever find, yeah

You know she's my heart
I really love New York City
She's lived and died
So many times
You know life can be real tough
On my New York City
But she's fine, she always survives Yeah

Em Em D D x8
(Let's hear it for New York City yeah)

Tab de uke por , 25 Mar 2017

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