2 Acordes usados na música: Bb, F
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Gsus4It wouldn't take me long
To tell you how to findEb it
To tell you where we'llBb meet
GmThis little girl insideF me
Is retreating to herEb favourite place
Go Gminto the garden, go Funder the ivy
EbUnder the leaves, aFway from the party
Go Gmright to the rose
Go Fright to the white roseGsus4I sit here in the thunder
The green on the grayEb
I feel it all aroundBb me
GmAnd it's not easy forF me
To give away a secEbretBbIt's not
To go Gminto the garden, go Funder the ivy
EbUnder the leaves, Faway from the party
Go Gmright to the rose
Go Fright to the white roseBb
GmGo into the gFarden, go under the Ebivy
Go under the BbleavesF/Awith Gmme
Go right to the Frose
Go right to the Ebwhite rose
I'll be BbwaitingF/A for yoGmuGsus4It wouldn't take me Flong
To tell you how to fiEbnd it
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