5 Acordes usados na música: Dm, F, C, Gm, Edim

Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
I wanna die in a war.F
I wanna die in a war.C
I wanna die in a war.Gm
Just war? Sure, I just want war.Gm
Unjust war? Sure, I just want war.Dm
Let me die in a war please.F
There's a really blatent untapped need.Dm
For some purpose societally.C
Release pent up feelings inside of me.Dm
All these young men with nothing to do.F
Why not give them a war to give their lives to?Dm
You could start a war with any country.F
And if that won't do, a civil war is plenty.Dm
I'm not prepared for martial combat.F
But maybe in a war a tank will roll me flat.Gm
Maybe I could be like flat Stanley.Edim
Except like freakin dead.Dm
Don't worry this is just a joke.F
Who want's war? I sure don't.Dm
I'd hate to develop comraderie.F
With a community that thinks like me.Dm
Shares my values and morality.C
Tells me who to kill and what it means.Gm
Oh shucks, then I'd have to kill and die.Edim
For a cause that's far far greater than mine.Dm
I'd much rather work from my crappy 9 to 5.F
Watch Netflix and play games with my time.Gm
Get depressed and take it out on my wife.Edim
I'm a real big fan of modern life!Dm
Race war, cyber war, cyber space war.Dm
Proxy war, world war, class war, great war.C
Guerilla war, gorilla war, total war, religious war.Edim
Cold war, hot war, nuke war, yeah sure!Dm
I wanna die in a war.F
I wanna die in a war.C
Just let me die in a war.Dm
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