Looking Out For You Tab de uke por Joy Again

7 Acordes usados na música: A, F#m, C#m, Cm, Bm, D, E

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: A, F#mAcordes

A A F#m F#m C#m C#m Cm Cm Bm Bm C#m C#m x2


A A F#m F#m
I guess I should stop
C#m C#m Cm Cm Bm Bm
Looking out for you
C#m C#m
Like I always do
A A F#m F#m
When will you
C#m C#m Cm Cm Bm Bm
Start looking out for me too
C#m C#m
Instead of leaving me staring at my shoes
A A F#m F#m C#m C#m Cm Cm
Just the way you're glancing at me
Bm Bm
Something about you
C#m C#m
Just makes me feel guilty for
A A F#m F#m
Liking you
C#m C#m Cm Cm Bm Bm
When you're with him
C#m C#m
When you're with him


D D C#m C#m Bm Bm
This is a love song for a girl
Bm Bm
Who will never know it's about her
D D C#m C#m
Know it's pretty stupid
Bm Bm
But I'm much too shy to tell her
D D C#m C#m Bm Bm
She's beaming that smile all the while
D D C#m C#m E E
I'm all tripped up on my own throat

I guess there is no hope

A A F#m F#m C#m C#m Cm Cm Bm Bm C#m C#m x2


A A F#m F#m C#m C#m
When you're walking out in the snow
Cm Cm Bm Bm C#m C#m
I say I guess I should go
A A F#m F#m C#m C#m
And we're talking about someone else
Cm Cm Bm Bm C#m C#m
When we should be talking about ourselves
A A F#m F#m C#m C#m Cm Cm
It's the same old situation you've always got me waiting
Bm Bm C#m C#m
Come on dear I think times a wastin'
A A F#m F#m C#m C#m Cm Cm
Before we have to go back inside
Bm Bm C#m C#m
And return to our normal lives


D D C#m C#m Bm Bm
This is a love song for a girl
Bm Bm
Who will never know it's about her
D D C#m C#m
Know it's pretty stupid
Bm Bm
But I'm much too shy to tell her
D D C#m C#m Bm Bm
She's beaming that smile all the while
D D C#m C#m E E
I'm all tripped up on my own throat
I guess there is no hope


A A F#m F#m C#m C#m Cm Cm Bm Bm C#m C#m
(Repeat until end)

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Tab de uke por , 23 Jun 2018

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dodo07xd avatar
flag for PE(ISO2) (puno)
el patron que uso es DDUUDU, el básico
04 Oct 2024
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hemera_ avatar
A good strumming pattern is d d udu udu udu :D
29 Aug 2021
lolumi avatar
flag for DE(ISO2) (sadfasdf)
Does anybody know which Ukulele Joy again used? Or one that sounds like the one in the Intro of the SOng?
16 May 2021
quintilleroni avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Portland)
For strumming pattern found ddudu works well or simplified ddu (let me know if anyone has a better pattern)
09 Apr 2021
Padrõe de batida
ellasyn avatar
what’s the strumming
27 Mar 2021
oceanpearl10 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Lakeville)
i think +3 works best for me easier chords and fits better with the song in my opinion also it’s chocked up not tripped up
04 Sep 2020
joshcaladia avatar
@kanaloli yeah i know, i didn't know at the time, my bad (although it seems there is some debate as to which lyric is correct)
17 May 2020
kanaloli avatar
flag for JP(ISO2) (Akihabara)
anon, its not choked. its tripped bro. make sure u know the lyrics before your try to correct someone
12 Apr 2020
joshcaladia avatar
choked* not tripped
23 Oct 2019

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