No Air Tab de uke por Jordin Sparks

4 Acordes usados na música: G, F, Am, Cadd9

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Ano:  2007
Tom: C, AmAcordes
0 1 2 3 4 5
[[Verse 1]]

If I should die before I wake,
It's 'cause you took my breath away
{Am} {Cadd9}
Losing you is like living in a world with no air, oh...
I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave,
My heart won't move, it's incomplete.
{Am} {Cadd9}
Wish there was a way that I could make you understand...

{G} {F} {Am}
But how do you expect me to live alone with just me? 'Cause my world
{Cadd9} {G}
revolves around you, it's so hard for me to breathe.

{G} {F}
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
{G} {F}
Got me out here in the water, so deep
Tell me, how you gon' breathe without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air

[[Verse 2]]

I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
There's no gravity to hold me down,
for real.
But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breathe, but I survived
{Am} {Cadd9}
I don't how, but I don't even care

{G} {F} {Am}
So how do you expect me to live alone with just me? 'Cause my world
{Cadd9} {G}
revolves around you, it's so hard for me to breathe.

{G} {F}
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
{G} {F}
Got me out here in the water, so deep
Tell me, how you gon' breathe without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No more
It's no air, no air

{G} {F} {Am}
But how do you expect me to live alone with just me? 'Cause my world
{Cadd9} {G}
revolves around you, it's so hard for me to breathe.

{G} {F}
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
{G} {F}
Got me out here in the water, so deep
Tell me, how you gon' breathe without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air

{G} {F} {Am}
But how do you expect me to live alone with just me? 'Cause my world
{Cadd9} {G}
revolves around you, it's so hard for me to breathe.

{G} {F}
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
{G} {F}
Got me out here in the water, so deep

Tell me, how you gon' breathe without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air...

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Tab de uke por , 16 Fev 2009

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