5 Acordes usados na música: Am, B7, Bm, C, Em
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Transpor cifras:
Capo 1
[Em] x4
[Em] There's a man who [
Am] leads a life of [
Em] danger
To [Em] everyone he meets he stays a [
B7] stranger
With [Em] every move he makes, a-[
Am]nother chance he takes
[Em] Odds are he won't [
Am] live to see to-[
Secret [Bm] agent [
Em] man, secret [
Bm] agent [
Em] man
They've [C] given you a [
B7] number and taken away your [
Em] name
Be-[Em]ware of pretty [
Am] faces that you [
Em] find
A [
Em] pretty face can hide an evil [
B7] mind
Ah, be [Em] careful what you say, Or you'll [
Am] give yourself away
[Em] Odds are you won't [
Am] live to see to-[
Secret [Bm] agent [
Em] man, secret [
Bm] agent [
Em] man
They've [C] given you a [
B7] number and taken away your [
Em] name
[Em] There's a man who [
Am] leads a life of [
Em] danger
To [Em] everyone he meets he stays a [
B7] stranger
With [Em] every move he makes, a-[
Am]nother chance he takes
[Em] Odds are he won't [
Am] live to see to-[
Secret [Bm] agent [
Em] man, secret [
Bm] agent [
Em] man
They've [C] given you a [
B7] number and taken away your [
Em] name
[Em] Swingin' on the [
Am] Riviera [
Em] one day
And then [Em] layin' in the Bombay alley [
B7] next day
Oh [Em] no, you let the wrong word slip, [
Am] while kissing persuasive lips
The [Em] odds are you won't [
Am] live to see to-[
Secret [Bm] agent [
Em] man, secret [
Bm] agent [
Em] man
They've [C] given you a [
B7] number and taken away your [
Em] name
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