4 Acordes usados na música: C, G7, D7, F
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Transpor cifras:
I'll Do Anything It Takes To Stay With You
Recorded by Jean Shepard
Written by Curly Putman, Larry Butler, Jan Crutchfield
C G7 C
If I talk too much just tell me I'll be silent
D7 G7
If I'm holding on too tight I'll turn you loose
If it means my pride goes begging on my knees I'll do that too
F C G7 C
I'll do anything it takes to stay with you
G7 C
If I embarrass you when we go out just tell me
D7 G7
But it's so hard for me to keep my hands off you
You can put me cross the table or completely across the room
F C G7 C
I'll do anything it takes to stay with you
G7 C F C
There were many times many nights I cried wanting you
D7 G7
Waiting for the touch I need so much and not knowing what to do
If it means my pride goes begging on my knees I'll do that too
F C G7 C
I'll do anything it takes to stay with you
Repeat #2
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