Televised Tab de uke por HUNNY

6 Acordes usados na música: C, Am, G, Em, Dm, F

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C, AmAcordes
Verse 1]

C C Am Am
Take a Tylenol, took long enough to get back here, crying
Cheap tricks and fortune in a flash
Em Em C C
She hits rewind to make it last, crying

Am Am C C
Oh, she's so bright
Dm Dm F F
I can't believe my eyes
Am Am C C
Oh, she's so bright
Dm Dm F F
I can't believe my eyes

Am Am C C
Oh, I'm in paradise
G G Em Em
Show me heart break a thousand times
Am Am C C G G Em Em
I don't care to be or be caught without sweet misery by my side
Dm Dm F F
Wide awake and paper thin
C C Em Em
Pray to anything that's televised
Dm Dm F F C C Em Em
It's safe to say my ignorant state of bliss is why
Dm Dm
I'll stay in tonight
G G C C C C Am Am Am Am
'Cause she's so bright
C C C C Am Am Am Am
'Cause she's so bright

[Verse 2]
This modern life is so boring
Am Am
All is fair in love and war
It's for the best
Em Em
As insatiable an appetite be put to rest

Am Am C C
And she's so bright
Dm Dm F F
I can't believe my eyes

Am Am C C
Oh, I'm in paradise
G G Em Em
Show me heart break a thousand times
Am Am C C G G Em Em
I don't care to be or be caught without sweet misery by my side
Dm Dm F F
Wide awake and paper thin
C C Em Em
Pray to anything that's televised
Dm Dm F F C C Em Em
It's safe to say my ignorant state of bliss is why
Dm Dm
I'll stay in tonight
G G C C C C Am Am Am Am
'Cause she's so bright
C C C C Am Am Am Am
She's so bright, she's so bright
She is so bright

Tab de uke por , 22 Set 2018

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