Shut Up My Mom's Calling Tab de uke por Hotel Ugly

4 Acordes usados na música: Dm, E7, Am, Em

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: AmAcordes
Dm Dm                    E7 E7                     Am Am
I just want to rewind, I haven't seen you in a long time
Em Em
You got me feeling so lonely
Dm Dm E7 E7
Even when you come through, I can tell
Am Am Em Em
That it isn't you, so baby bring it in closely
Dm Dm E7 E7
Hate the way I love you but you so sweet
Am Am Em Em
I always find a way to say the wrong things
Dm Dm E7 E7
I wish that we were laying in the same sheets
Am Am
But lately, you've been acting like you hardly know me

Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')
Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')
Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')
Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')

Dm Dm E7 E7 Am Am
I just want to rewind, I haven't seen you in a long time
Em Em
You got me feeling so lonely
Dm Dm E7 E7
Even when you come through, I can tell
Am Am Em Em
That it isn't you, so baby bring it in closely
Dm Dm E7 E7
Hate the way I love you but you so sweet
Am Am Em Em
I always find a way to say the wrong things
Dm Dm E7 E7
I wish that we were laying in the same sheets
Am Am Em Em
But lately, you've been acting like you hardly know me

Dm Dm E7 E7 Am Am Em Em
I've only recently begun to fall

I feel the need to go and waste it all
I tried to numb away the pain
I hope someone is watching me, watching me, watching me

Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')
Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')
Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')
Baby come home, home (so baby won't you say somethin')

Tab de uke por , 24 Mai 2024

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