Maybe Tab de uke por GRiZ

4 Acordes usados na música: Em, G, C, B

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Tablature / Chords (Canção Simplificada)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: EmAcordes
[Verse 1]
Em Em G G C C B B
Oh, city of lights, how you shine so brightly
Em Em G G C C B B
With your stars overhead, you make my eyes glow
Em Em G G C C B B
Oh, city of dreams, how you tell me your story
Em Em G G C C
How we took a dragonfly to your castle in the sky
Saw the ocean in your eyes for the first time

Em Em G G C C
Oh baby, this is so very new
B B Em Em
Something that could be so beautiful
Or maybe this is just another dream
B B Em Em
Something that I'm hoping I can make true

Em Em G G C C
Oh baby, this is so very new
B B Em Em
Something that could be so beautiful
Or maybe this is just another dream
B B Em Em
Something that I'm hoping I can make true

Tab de uke por , 04 Dez 2020

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