9 Acordes usados na música: F, Em, Dm, G, Bb, G#, C, E, Fm
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
F Em
Young girl, get out of my mind,
F Em
My love for you is way out of line,
Dm F G
You?d better run girl
G Bb G#
You're much too young girl
C F C F / Em / Dm / C
With all the charms of a woman
C F C F / Em / Dm / E
You've kept the secret of your youth
E F Fm
You led me to believe you're old enough to give me love
C G Bb C
And now it hurts to know the truth Woah
F Em
Young girl, get out of my mind
F Em
My love for you is way out of line
Dm F G
You?d better run girl
G Bb G#
You're much too young girl
C F C F / Em / Dm / C
Beneath your perfume and make-up
C F C F / Em / Dm / E
You're just a baby in disguise
E Fm
And though you know that it's wrong to be alone with me
C G Bb C
That come on look is in your eyes Woah
F Em
Young girl, get out of my mind
F Em
My love for you is way out of line
Dm F G
You?d better run girl
G Bb G#
You're much too young girl
C / F / C / F
C F C F / Em / Dm / C
So hurry home to your mama
C F C F / Em / Dm / E
I'm sure she wonders where you are
E F Fm
Get out of here, before I have the time to change my mind
C G Bb C
Cause I'm afraid we'll go too far Woah
F Em
Young girl, get out of my mind
F Em
My love for you is way out of line
Dm F G
You?d better run girl
G Bb G#
You're much too young girl
# Repeat last chorus
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