Frere Jacques (brother John) Tab de uke por Frere Jacques Song

Ukulele Tab sem cifras.

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoTablatura (sem cifras)
# This is a simple tune to play so it won't take a long time to master.
# Drop a line @ -
# Tabbed by Fitzzz15
# Standard Tuning





Tab de uke por , 11 Ago 2010

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sambono5 avatar
Most of it's right but in the second line i'd put on the A string as 0-1-3---0-1-3- and I think at the end it should go down to open (0) on the C string rather than 2.
12 Aug 2010

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