4 Acordes usados na música: C, F, Em, Dm

Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
C It's the hardest thing I've ever had to Fdo
To Amtry and keep from calling youF
Well, Ccan my dreams keep coming Ftrue?
How Amcan they?
Cause when I sleep, I never Fdream of you
As if the Fdream of you, it Gsleeps too
But it Emnever slips aFway
It just Fgains its strength and Gdigs its hooks
To Emdrag me through the Fday
And I'm AmcauCghFt
I forget all that I've been BmtauCghFt
I can't keep calm, I can't keep BmstiCllF
Pulled apart against my BmwilClF
It's the Chardest thing I've ever had to Fprove
You Amturn to salt as I turned around to look at Fyou
Old Cfriends have said, the books I've read
Say Fit's the thing to do
But it's Amhard to see it when you're in it
'Cause FI went blind for you
Then you Fleave my head, crawl Gout the bed
SubEmconscious and Fobsessed
And Ffor those hours deep Gin the dark
PerEmhaps you don't eFxist
And I'm AmcauCghFt
I forget all that I've been BmtauCghFt
I can't keep calm, I can't keep BmstiCllF
Pulled apart against my BmwilClF
And I was Dmthrashing on the ClineF
Somewhere between
DmDesperate and diCvine
I can't keep calm, I can't keepDm stCilFl
Persephone will have herDm fiCllFC
And I'm CcauFghtEm I forget Fall that I've been CtauFght
Em I can't keep Fcalm, I can't keep
C sFtill
Em Pulled aFpart against my CwiFll
And I'm CcauFghtEm I forget Fall that I've been CtauFght
Em I can't keep Fcalm, I can't keep
C sFtill
Em Pulled aFpart against my CwiFll
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