5 Acordes usados na música: C, Em/G, F, G, Am
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
# [Intro]
C Em/G F
# [Verse 1]
C G Am
Oh I know that I love you even though
C Em/G F
You seem to string me along.
C G Am
But when we lock eyes and your smiles shining bright,
C Em/G F
Your trance turns right into wrong.
# [Chorus]
Am G C F Am Em/G F
And I'm hypnotized (Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Am G C F Am Em/G F
And I'm hypnotized (Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
# [Verse 2]
C G Am
Oh I know that I love you even though,
C Em/G F
You’ll get me killed one day.
C G Am
But when we lock eyes and your smiles shining bright,
C Em/G F
I’ll do anything you say.
# [Chorus]
Am G C F Am Em/G F
‘Cause I'm hypnotized (Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Am G C F Am Em/G F
I'm hypnotized (Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
# [Bridge]
Am G C
I'm hypnotized by the light in your eyes,
F Am Em/G F
I seem to always find myself in a bind with you.
Am G
So stomp your feet, to the sound of all
C F Am Em/G F
Your burdens crashing down, ‘cause I belong to you.
# [Chorus]
Am G C F Am Em/G F
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Am G C F Am Em/G F
I'm hypnotized (Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Am G C F Am Em/G F
Oh I know that I love you even though, you change everything in my life.
Am G C F Am Em/G F C
Oh I know that I love you even though, I seem to be hypnotized.
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