The Music Or The Misery Tab de uke por Fall Out Boy

4 Acordes usados na música: Gm, F, Eb, Bb

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: Bb, GmAcordes
[Verse 1]
Gm Gm F F
I got my stitches stitched, I got my fixes fixed
Eb Eb F F
In my aching head, I got my kisses slit
Gm Gm Bb Bb Eb Eb F F
Our gossip lips stuttered every word I said, I said
Gm Gm F F Eb Eb F F
I got your love letters, corrected the grammar and sent them back
Gm Gm Bb Bb Eb Eb F F
It's true romance is dead, I shot it in the chest in the head

Eb Eb F F Gm Gm
And if you wanna go down in history then I'm your prince
Eb Eb
Because they've got me in a bad way
F F Gm Gm
I've never seen a heart I couldn't break
Eb Eb F F Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb
It was never about the songs, it was competition
Eb Eb F F Eb Eb
Make the biggest scene, make the biggest...

Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances
Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances

Gm Gm F F Eb Eb F F (x2)
Gm Gm

[Verse 2]
Gm Gm Gm Gm
I'm casually obsessed and I've forgiven death
Gm Gm Gm Gm
I am indifferent, yet (I am a total wreck)
Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm
I'm every cliche, but I simply do it best

Eb Eb F F Gm Gm
And if you wanna go down in history then I'm your prince
Eb Eb
Because they've got me in a bad way
F F Gm Gm
I've never seen a heart I couldn't break
Eb Eb F F Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb
It was never about the songs, it was competition
Eb Eb F F Eb Eb
Make the biggest scene, make the biggest...

Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances
Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances

Gm Gm F F Eb Eb F F (x4)

Gm Gm F F Eb Eb F F
I went to sleep a poet and I woke up a fraud
Gm Gm F F Eb Eb F F
To calm your nerves I'm feeling for my clothes in the dark

Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances

Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances
Bb Bb F F
Which came first, the music or the misery?
Gm Gm Eb Eb
We're high-fashion, we're last chances

Gm Gm F F Eb Eb

Tab de uke por , 06 Set 2020

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