Tomorrow Tab de uke por Europe

7 Acordes usados na música: Em, D, A, C, Am, G, B

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: AmAcordes
Intro: Em Em D D A A C C Am Am D D G G

Will you [Em Em]be there bes[D D]ide me,
if the Wo[A A]rld falls ap[C C]art?
And will [Am Am]all of our mo[D D]ments,
rema[C C]in i[D D]n y[Em Em]our hea[D D]rt?
Will you [Em Em]be there to gu[D D]ide me,
a[A A]ll the way thro[C C]ugh?[Am Am]
I w[D D]onder, will yo[C C]u?[D D][Em Em][D D][Am Am]

Walk by my s[B B]ide,[Em Em]
and fo[D D]llow my dr[C C]eams,[Am Am]
and bear with my pr[D D]ide,[G G]
as str[D D]ong as it se[Em Em]ems.
[D D]oh[C C], Will you be th[D D]ere [B B]Tomo[Em Em]rrow?

Fill in:
[D D] [A A] [C C] [Am Am] [D D] [G G]
Will you be there beside me,
if time goes on by
And be there to hold me,
whenever i cry
Will you be there to guide me,
all the way through,
I wonder will you?

Walk by my side
and follow my dreams
And bear with my pride
as strong as it seems.
Oh, will you be there Tomorrow?

[Em Em]Oh, now w[D D]ill you be th[G G]ere?
Oh,[C C] will you be th[D D]ere[B B] Tom[Em Em]orrow[D D][A A][C C][Am Am][D D][G G]

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Tab de uke por , 08 Jan 2022

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