11 Acordes usados na música: A, G#, D#, F, F2, F3, E, C#, C, B, A#
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
A G# D#
So is it courage or strength
F F2 F3
and is that what I'm waiting for?
A G# D#
If I could just kill myself
F F2 F3
would it also kill the remorse?
A G# D#
I wanted so badly to catch a break
F F2 F3
but I'm only breaking down.
A G#
I'm still here and standing
but if it's up to me
F F2 F3 A G# D#
I don't think I'll be hanging around
The drink slips down my throat
and the burn cures nice and slow.
F D#
All the worst parts I wouldn't want you to see
The only parts left of me
Now, here I am
Just a kid without a better plan.
G# F
But it's the simple thoughts that haunt me the most.
I never got to see the west coast
A C# A C# A C# D#
A C# A C# A C# D#
A G# D#
Spent my nights just asking why
F F2 F3
Would God let me become like this.
A G# D#
Was it a joke from the start?
F F2 F3
Was I suppose to laugh more at it?
A G# D#
And everyone's quoting their teachers and preachers
F F2 F3
but their words make me feel so alone.
A G# D#
No one ever says that they've had those thoughts
F F2 F3
in the middle of the night.
A G# D#
No one ever admits that they wanted to take their life.
A C# A C# A C# D#
But it's the life I dreamed I'd have
The love I've found in my grasp
B A#
The words I could share with someone.
Those thoughts keep the breath in my lungs
That tomorrow my hope will become
B A#
to feel a love that can't be undone.
A G# D#
And save a wretch like me.
A C# A C# A C# D#
End on A
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