4 Acordes usados na música: C, F, G7, D7
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Transpor cifras:
Moonlight Swim
Recorded by Elvis Prelely
Ben Weisman and Sylvia Dee
Let's go on a moon-light swim
Far away from the crowd all alone upon the beach
Our lips and our arms close within each other's reach will be
F G7 C
On a moon-light swim
Let's go on a moon-light swim
To the raft we can race after just a little while
I'll sit and pretend that you're on a desert isle with me
F G7 C F C
On a moon-light swim (on a moonlight swim)
Though the air is cold with kisses oh so sweet
C G7 D7 G7
I'll keep you warm so very warm from head to you feet
Let's go on a moon-light swim
We're in love and above there's a crazy gold balloon
That sits winking down and inviting us to come on in
F G7 C
On a moon-light swim
Repeat #3
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