Lowland Of Holland Tab de uke por Dubliners

5 Acordes usados na música: C, Am, F, G, Dm

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C, AmAcordes
1. Oh (C C)when that (Am Am)I was (C C)mar(F F)ried and (C C)in my marriage (Am Am)bed
There (C C)came a (Am Am)bold sea (C C)cap(F F)tain and he (C C)stood at (G G)my bed (C C)head
Saying ?Arise, a(Am Am)rise young (F F)wedded (C C)man and (F F)come a(C C)long with (Am Am)me
To the (C C)low(Am Am)lands of (C C)holl(Am Am)and for to (Dm Dm)fight the (F F)ene(C C)my.?oe

2. I (C C)held my (Am Am)love all (C C)in my (F F)arms still, (C C)thinking he might (Am Am)stay,
But the (C C)captain (Am Am)gave (C C)another (F F)shout; he was (C C)forced to (G G)go a(C C)way:
"Tis many a (Am Am)bright young (F F)married (C C)man this (F F)night must (C C)go with (Am Am)me,
To the (C C)Lowl(Am Am)ands of (C C)Hol(Am Am)land for to (Dm Dm)fight the (F F)ene(C C)my!"

3. The (C C)took my (Am Am)love to a (C C)gallant (F F)ship, a (C C)ship of noble (Am Am)fame,
With (C C)four-and-(Am Am)twenty (C C)seamen (F F)bold to (C C)steer a(G G)cross the (C C)main;
The storm winds (Am Am)then be(F F)gan to (C C)rise, and the (F F)sea be(C C)gan to (Am Am)shout;
T?was (C C)when my (Am Am)love and his (C C)gallant (Am Am)ship were (Dm Dm)sorely (F F)tossed a(C C)bout."

4. Now (C C)Holland (Am Am)is a (C C)lovely (F F)land and in (C C)it there grows fine (Am Am)bribe (???)
It (C C)is a (Am Am)place of (C C)resi(F F)dence for (C C)soldiers (G G)to re(C C)main
Now the sugar (Am Am)cane grows (F F)plenty (C C)full, the (F F)tea grows (C C)on each (Am Am)tree
I (C C)only (Am Am)had the (C C)want to (Am Am)love him now he?s (Dm Dm)gone far a(F F)way from (C C)me.

5. Said the (C C)mother (Am Am)to her (C C)daugh(F F)ter, "What (C C)makes you so (Am Am)lament?
Is there (C C)ne'er a (Am Am)man in (C C)Ire(F F)land, that will (C C)please your (G G)discon(C C)tent."
Aye, there?s men en(Am Am)ough in (F F)Ire(C C)land, but al(F F)las there?s (C C)none for (Am Am)me
Since (C C)high (Am Am)winds and (C C)stromy (Am Am)seas have (Dm Dm)parted me (F F)love and (C C)me.

6. I'll (C C)wear not (Am Am)shoes all (C C)on my (F F)feet, nor (C C)comb put in my (Am Am)hair,
I?ll (C C)wear no (Am Am)hankerchief a(C C)round my (F F)neck for to (C C)shade my (G G)beauty (C C)rare.
And never (Am Am)will I (F F)mar(C C)ry un(F F)til the (C C)day I (Am Am)die
Since (C C)high (Am Am)winds and (C C)stromy (Am Am)seas have (Dm Dm)parted me (F F)love and (C C)I.

Tab de uke por , 21 Mar 2012

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