16 Acordes usados na música: Am, F/A, G7, G, F, C, Bb, Dm7, C/E, G#, C#/G#, D#, Em, C#, C7, Fm
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Am F/A G7 G
Live another day Climb a little higher
F C Bb G7 G
Find another reason to stay
Am F/A Am G7 G
Ashes in your hands Mercy in your eyes
F C Bb Am
If you're searching for a silent sky...
Dm7 C/E F C
You won't find it here Look another way
Dm7 C/E F G7 G
You won't find it here So die another day
Am F/A Am G7 G
The coldness of his words The message in his silence,
F C Bb G7
'Face the candle to the wind...'
This distance in my voice
Am F/A
Isn't leaving you a choice
Am G7 G
So if you're looking for
F C Bb Am
a time to run away...
C Bb
They took pictures of our dreams
Ran to hide behind the stairs
G7 G F
And said maybe when it's right for you, they'll fall
G# C#/G# D#
But if they don't come down Resist the need to pull them in
Em D# C#
And throw them away Better to save the mystery
C7 C7 Fm G
Than surrender to the secret
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