Holy Diver Tab de uke por Dio

4 Acordes usados na música: Am, G, F, E

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  1983
Tom: AmAcordes
Am Am
Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Am Am G G F F
Oh what's becoming of me

Am Am
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Am Am G G F F
Oh don't you see what I mean

Gotta get away
Holy Diver

Am Am
Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Am Am G G F F
Something is coming for you

Am Am
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Am Am G G F F
Oh we will pray it's all right

Gotta get away-get away

Am Am G G F F
Between the velvet lies
Am Am F F E E
There's a truth that's hard as steel
Am Am G G F F
The vision never dies
Am Am F F E E
Life's a never ending wheel

Am Am
Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
Am Am G G F F
No need to look so afraid

Am Am
Jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
Am Am G G F F
Some light can never be seen

Repeat verse 1

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Tab de uke por , 02 Mar 2017

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