Come On Eileen Tab de uke por Dexy's Midnight Runners

7 Acordes usados na música: C, Em, F, G, D, F#m, A

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
[C C] Poor old Johnny [Em Em] Ray 
Sounded [F F] sad upon the radio
He moved a [C C] million hearts in [G G] mono
[C C] Our mothers [Em Em] cried
And [F F] sang along and who'd blame them? [C C] [G G]
[C C] You're grown (so grown up)
[Em Em] So grown (so grown up)
[F F] Now I must say more than ever [C C] [G G]
[C C] Toora loora [Em Em] toora loo rye [F F] aye
And we can [C C] sing just like our [G G] fathers
[D D] Come on Eileen! Oh, I [F#m F#m] swear (what he means)
At this [Em Em] moment, you mean [G G] every[A A] thing
With [D D] you in that dress, my [F#m F#m] thoughts I confess
Verge on [Em Em] dirty, ah come [G G] on Ei-[A A]-leen!
[C C] These people round [Em Em] here
Wear [F F] beaten-down eyes
Sunk in smoke-dried faces
They're so re[C C] signed to what their [G G] fate is
But [C C] not us (no never)
No [Em Em] not us (no never)
[F F] We are far too young and clever [C C] [G G]
[C C] Toora loora [Em Em] toora loo rye [F F] aye
Eileen, I'll [C C] sing this tune for[G G] ever
[D D] Come on Eileen! Oh, I [F#m F#m] swear (what he means)
Ah come [Em Em] on, let's take off [G G] every[A A] thing
That [D D] pretty red dress .... Ei-[F#m F#m]-leen (tell him yes)
Ah, come [Em Em] on! Come [G G] on Ei-[A A]-leen!
[D D] Please...
(Start slow, then faster)
[D D] Come on, Eileen, taloora [F#m F#m] aye
Eileen taloora [G G] aye toora taloora [D D] [A A]
[D D] Come on Eileen! Oh, I [F#m F#m] swear (what he means)
At this [Em Em] moment, you mean [G G] every[A A] thing
With [D D] you in that dress, my [F#m F#m thoughts I confess
Verge on [Em Em] dirty, ah come [G G] on Ei-[A A]-leen!

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Tab de uke por , 02 Mar 2014

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