Power Over Me Tab de uke por Dermot Kennedy

5 Acordes usados na música: Am, G, F, Dm, C

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C, AmAcordes
Am Am G G Am Am G G Am Am

[Verse 1]
Wanna be king in your story
Am Am
I wanna know who you are
I want your heart to beat for me
Am Am
Oh I-
Want you to sing to me softly
Am Am
‘Cause then I’m outrunning the dark
That’s all that love ever taught me
Am Am
Oh I-

G G Am Am
Call and I’ll rush out
All out of breath now

Am Am F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
The only one I know, the only one on my mind
F F G G Am Am
You've got that power over me (my my)
Dm Dm C C G G
Got that power over me (my my)
Am Am
You've got that power over me

[Verse 2]
Remember the lake in the moonlight?
Am Am
Remember you shivered and shone?
I’ll never forget what you looked like
Am Am
On that night
But I know that time’s gonna take me
Am Am
I know that day’s gonna come
I just want the devil to hate me
Am Am
Oh I-

G G Am Am
Call and I’ll rush out
All out of breath now

Am Am F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
The only one I know, the only one on my mind
F F G G Am Am
You've got that power over me (my my)
Dm Dm C C G G
Got that power over me (my my)
Am Am
You've got that power over me

Dm Dm C C
It was all in doubt
G G Am Am
They were all around
So we had a way a nevertell
Am Am
The sight of darkness knows you well
That lesson of love, all that it was,

I need you to see

F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
The only one I know, the only one on my mind
F F G G Am Am Dm Dm C C G G
You've got that power over me
F F G G Am Am
I know that I let her down,
Dm Dm C C G G
Let her down
F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
F F G G Am Am
You’ve got that power over me, my my
Dm Dm C C G G
The only one I know, the only one on my mind
Am Am G G Am Am G G Am Am
You've got that power over me

Tab de uke por , 05 Out 2019

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