Hidden In My Head Tab de uke por Dean Geyer

4 Acordes usados na música: Em, C, G, D/F#

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: G, EmAcordes
Em Em, C C, G G, D/F# D/F#

Em Em C C G G
i'm heading from words today
G G D/F# D/F#
invisible to the world
Em Em C C G G
i don't care what you got to say
G G D/F# D/F#
im under a blanket, nothing can get in
Em Em C C G G
im thinking softly with falling rain
G G D/F# D/F#
obliviouse to all that goes by
Em Em C C
i found a place where i feel safe
G G D/F# D/F#
somewhere that i can escape to a clearing

Em Em C C G G D/F# D/F#
you cant see the inside of me, the inside of me
Em Em C C G G D/F# D/F#
you cant see the inside of me, the inside of me
so when im all alone

its just me who i am
its like being in a dream

living in my head

Em Em, C C, G G, D/F# D/F#

Tab de uke por desconhecido, 08 Set 2009

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