Keeping Tabs Tab de uke por Cuco

10 Acordes usados na música: A, Em, D, Dmaj7, Dm, Amaj7, Em7, A7, Dm7, G

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Tablature / Chords (Canção Simplificada)

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Ano:  2019
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
I been trippin' off the tabs in my room
Em Em A A
I don't know why baby but I'm feeling blue
D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Take another tab an ounce of the shrooms
Dm Dm
No don't hit my line babygirl like who are you

I been trippin' off the tabs in my room
Em Em A A
I don't know why baby but I'm feeling blue
D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Take another tab an ounce of the shrooms
Dm Dm
No don't hit my line babygirl like who are you

A A Amaj7 Amaj7
No don't hate just get up out my way
Em7 Em7 A7 A7
I been getting high like every single day and
Dmaj7 Dmaj7
I need some piece of mind

I don't know where to find
Dm Dm
All the answers to my questions

I'm not satisfied

Where my mind resides

Hell is bound to find me
Em Em A7 A7
And if I find the light that shit is gonna blind me
Dmaj7 Dmaj7
I been off it like a prophet ain't no telling why
Dm7 Dm7 G G
Lately can you blame me for the fact that I just lost my


I been trippin' off the tabs in my room
Em Em A A
I don't know why baby but I'm feeling blue
D D Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Take another tab an ounce of the shrooms
Dm Dm
No don't hit my line babygirl like who are you

Tab de uke por , 09 Jun 2020

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