10 Acordes usados na música: A, Em, D, Dmaj7, Dm, Amaj7, Em7, A7, Dm7, G
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Transpor cifras:
I been trippin' off the tabs in my room
Em A
I don't know why baby but I'm feeling blue
D Dmaj7
Take another tab an ounce of the shrooms
No don't hit my line babygirl like who are you
I been trippin' off the tabs in my room
Em A
I don't know why baby but I'm feeling blue
D Dmaj7
Take another tab an ounce of the shrooms
No don't hit my line babygirl like who are you
A Amaj7
No don't hate just get up out my way
Em7 A7
I been getting high like every single day and
I need some piece of mind
I don't know where to find
All the answers to my questions
I'm not satisfied
Where my mind resides
Hell is bound to find me
Em A7
And if I find the light that shit is gonna blind me
I been off it like a prophet ain't no telling why
Dm7 G
Lately can you blame me for the fact that I just lost my
I been trippin' off the tabs in my room
Em A
I don't know why baby but I'm feeling blue
D Dmaj7
Take another tab an ounce of the shrooms
No don't hit my line babygirl like who are you
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