7 Acordes usados na música: Dm, F, Gm, Am, A#m, Cm, A
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Intro Dm
Outside the factory gate where I will sit and wait
For you to turn around and show me there's a way
Gm Dm
I am a stranger to the light enchanted by the walkers of the night
I stepped into the dark with all the broken hearts
I've searched the empty streets distant and apart
Gm Dm
I am a stranger in this life haunted by yesterday's desires
Gm Am A#m Cm
And when we meet again you'll know I am to blame
A#m Cm F Gm A Dm
When you see me standing in the rain
They say they can see what I'm supposed to be
But what is right for them don't mean it's right for me
I am a stranger to the light enchanted by the walkers of the night
And so the story goes as I watch from my window
Across the water front but they will never know
Gm Dm
I am a stranger in the life haunted by yesterday's desires
Gm Am A#m Cm
And when we meet again you'll know I am to blame
A#m Cm F Gm A F Dm F
When you see me standing in the rain
Solo Dm F
Gm Dm
I am a stranger in the life haunted by yesterday's desires
Gm Am A#m Cm
And when we meet again you'll know I am to blame
A#m Cm F Dm
When you see me standing in the rain, in the rain
Gm Am
In the rain,
In the rain,
Gm Am
In the rain,
In the rain.
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