X And Y Tab de uke por Coldplay

8 Acordes usados na música: Em, F, Am, G, D, D7/F#, C, Bb

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2005
Tom: G, EmCifras e Tablatura
Afinação original: +1.0 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
[Verse 1]
Em Em F F
Trying hard to speak and
Am Am G G
Fighting with my weak hand
Em Em F F
Driven to distraction
Am Am G G
It's all part of the plan

Em Em F F
When something is broken
Am Am G G
and you try to fix it
Em Em F F D D F F
Trying to repair it anyway you can

D7/F# D7/F# F F D7/F# D7/F# F F

[Verse 2]

I dive in off the deep end
You become my best friend
I wanna love you but I don't know if I can
I know something is broken
and I'm trying to fix it
Em Em F F Am Am G G
Trying to repair it anyway I can
D7/F# D7/F# F F D7/F# D7/F# F F
Oooohh, oooohh
D7/F# D7/F# F F D7/F# D7/F# F F
Oooohh, oooohh

C C Bb Bb D D
You and me are floating on a tidal wave... together
C C Bb Bb D D
You and me are drifting into outer space
and singing

F F D7/F# D7/F# F F D7/F# D7/F#
Oooohh, oooohh

[Chorus 2]
You and me are floating on a tidal wave... together
You and me are drifting into outer space
You and me are floating on a tidal wave... together
You and me are drifting into outer space
and singing

Oooohh, oooohh
Oooohh, oooohh

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Tab de uke por , 15 Jul 2009

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