One Sweet Day Tab de uke por Boyz II Men

20 Acordes usados na música: Ab, Fm, Gb, Ebsus4, Eb7, Eb, Abmaj7, Dbmaj7, C7, Ab6, Db, Ab7, Bbm, F#, F#7, B, Bmaj7, Emaj7, A, G#m

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Padrõe de batida: d-d-d-d

by Boyz II Men & Mariah Carey

Ab Ab Fm Fm
Gb Gb Ebsus Ebsus Eb7 Eb7

Ab Ab Fm Fm
Sorry, I never told you
Ab Ab Fm Fm
all I wanted to say.
Ab Ab Fm Fm
And now it's too late to hold you,
Gb Gb
'cause you've flown away,
Eb Eb
so far away.

Ab Ab Fm Fm
Never had I imagined,
Ab Ab Fm Fm
living without your smile.
Ab Ab Fm Fm
Feeling and knowing you hear me,
Gb Gb Eb Eb
it keeps me alive, alive.

Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab
And I know you're shining
Abmaj7 Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
down on me from heaven,
Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab
like so many friends
Abmaj7 Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
we've lost along the way.
Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab Abmaj7 Abmaj7
And I know eventually we'll be
Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7 Gb Gb ~ Eb Eb
together, one sweet day... Eb Eb Ab Ab
Eventually we'll sing (in heaven.)

Ab Ab Fm Fm
Darling I never showed you,
Ab Ab Fm Fm
assumed you'd always be there,
Ab Ab
And I, I took your presence
Fm Fm Gb Gb
for granted, but I always cared,
(but I always cared)
Eb Eb
and I miss the love we shared.

Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab
And I know you're shining
Abmaj7 Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
down on me from heaven,
Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab
like so many friends
Abmaj7 Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7
we've lost along the way.
Eb7 Eb7 Ab Ab Abmaj7 Abmaj7
And I know eventually we'll be
Dbmaj7 Dbmaj7 Gb Gb ~ Eb Eb
together, one sweet day...
Eb7 Eb7 Fm Fm
Eventually we'll sing in heaven.

Fm Fm C7 C7 Ab6 Ab6
Al-though the sun will never
Db Db
shine the same,
Db Db Eb Eb
I'll always look
Ab Ab Ab7 Ab7
to a brighter day, yeah, yeah.
Fm Fm C7 C7 Ab7 Ab7
Lord, I know when I lay me down
Db Db
to sleep,
Bbm Bbm
You will always listen
F# F#
as I pray

F#7 F#7 B B Bmaj7 Bmaj7
And I know you're shining down
Emaj7 Emaj7
on me from heaven,
F#7 F#7 B B Bmaj7 Bmaj7
like so many friends we've lost
Emaj7 Emaj7
along the way.
F#7 F#7 B B Bmaj7 Bmaj7
And I know eventually we'll be
Emaj7 Emaj7 A A ~ F# F#
together, one sweet day...

F#7 F#7 B B Bmaj7 Bmaj7
And I know you're shining down
Emaj7 Emaj7
on me from heaven,
F#7 F#7 B B Bmaj7 Bmaj7
like so many friends we've lost
Emaj7 Emaj7
along the way.
F#7 F#7 B B Bmaj7 Bmaj7
And I know eventually we'll be
Emaj7 Emaj7 A A ~ F# F#
together, one sweet day...
F#7 F#7
Eventually we'll sing...

B B G#m G#m
Sorry, I never told you
B B Ema7
All I wanted to say.

Tab de uke por , 31 Mai 2024

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