8 Acordes usados na música: G, F, C/G, Eb/G, G/B, D/A, C/E, D/F#
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Intro:G . . . |
F . . . |
C/g . . . |
Eb/g . . . |
G/b .
D/a . |
C/e .
D/f# . |
C/g .
D/f# . |
G . . .
I first heard this from Ric von Schmidt. He lives in Cambridge.
Ric is a blues guitar player.
I met him one day in the green pastures of Harvard University.G
Baby let me follow you down, baby let me follow you down
Well I'll do anything in this godalmighty world
If you just let me follow you down.
Can I come home with you, baby can I come home with you?
Yes I'll do anything in this godalmighty world
If you just let me come home with you.
Baby let me follow you down, baby let me follow you down
Well I'll do anything in this godalmighty world
If you just let me follow you down.
Yes I'll do anything in this godalmighty world
If you just let me follow you down.
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