8 Acordes usados na música: C, Em, Dm, G, Am, Bb, F, Fm
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
You try so hard to be coldC
You try so hard to not showDm
I give you nothing to doubt, and you doubt meDm
I give you all that I have, but you don't seeAm
Now I know that my eyes must close hereC
Every word seems to feel like you don't careBb
But I know that you're so confused and afraidDm
I just want to be one true thing that don't fadeF
I don't wanna give up tomorrowC
I just can't understand why we're going on
Guitar Part :C -
F -
Dm -
F -
Fm -Mi
You try so hard to be heard
You try so hard to not hurt
I give you nothing to doubt, and you doubt me
I give you all that I have, but you don't see
Now I know that my eyes must close here
Every word seems to feel like you don't care
But I know that you're so confused and afraid
I just want to be one true thing that don't fade
I don't wanna give up tomorrow
I just can't understand why we're going on
Then the Guitar Part :E -
A -
F#m -
A -
Am -Mi ad libitum
I don't wanna be sad, I don't wanna be scared
I won't wait for you in silence
I see the road is long
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