You Tab de uke por Basil Valdez

20 Acordes usados na música: G#, C, F, Fm6, A#7, Am5, B7, Em7, A7, Dm7, F+7, G7, C+7, FM7/F#, D#m7, D+7, Fm7, Am7, D#+7, C7

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
C CF F -; (2x)

You give me hope,

The strength, the will to keep on;

Fm6 Fm6 A#7 A#7(9) C C
No one else can make me feel this way

Am5- B7-9)(-5)
And only you

B7-9 Em7 A7/sus, A7-9
Can bring out all the best I can do;

Dm7 Dm7 C C
I believe you turn the tide

F+7 F+7 G7 G7/sus G7 G7
And make me feel real good inside.

C+7 C+7
You pushed me up

F+7 F+7
When I'm about to give up;

Fm6 Fm6 A#7 A#7(9) C+7 C+7
You're on my side when no one seems to listen

Am5- B7-9)(-5)
And if you go,

B7-9 Em7 A7/sus, A7-9
You know the tears can't help but show

Dm7 Dm7 C C
You'll break this heart and tear it apart;

F+7 F+7 (FM7/F# FM7/F# G7 G7/sus
Then suddenly the madness starts


It's your smile,

Fm6 Fm6 Em7 Em7
Your face, your lips that I miss,

D#m7 D#m7 D+7 D+7
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me

And make me say,

Fm7 Fm7 G7 G7/sus G7 G7
I'm with you through all the way.

'Cause it's you

Fm6 Fm6 Em7 Em7 Am7 Am7
Who fills the emptiness in me;

Dm7 Dm7 C C
It changes ev'rything, you see,

F+7 F+7 G7 G7/sus pause
When I know I've got you with me

C+7 C+7
You pushed me up

F+7 F+7
When I'm about to give up;

Fm6 Fm6 A#7 A#7(9) C+7 C+7
You're on my side when no one seems to listen

Am5- B7-9)(-5)
And if you go,

B7-9 Em7 A7/sus, A7-9
You know the tears can't help but show

Dm7 Dm7 C C
You'll break this heart and tear it apart;

F+7 F+7 (FM7/F# FM7/F# G7 G7/sus
Then suddenly the madness starts


It's your smile,

Fm6 Fm6 Em7 Em7
Your face, your lips that I miss,

D#m7 D#m7 D+7 D+7
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me

And make me say,

Fm7 Fm7 G7 G7/sus G7 G7
I'm with you through all the way.

'Cause it's you

Fm6 Fm6 Em7 Em7 Am7 Am7
Who fills the emptiness in me;

Dm7 Dm7 C C
It changes ev'rything, you see,

F+7 F+7 G7 G7/sus pause
When I know I've got you with me

INTERLUDE: /F#-Fm6-Em7-D#+7-
Dm7-Dm7, G7-9(6),
C+7, Am5-,-C7-9,

(Repeat Chorus except last word)

C+7-F+7-C+7-F+7- pause C

Tab de uke por , 16 Ago 2022

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