3 Acordes usados na música: G, D, A
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
What's the point of fame if it's been abused?G
What's a kid like me even got to lose?D
Here I am on your bed again.D
It's too big for the room it's in.G
Watch your face and laugh just a little bit,G
everybody knows that you're good at it,D
but nothin' hurts like an answered phone,D
drinkin' some, wakin' up alone.G
Maybe if I try just a little more,G
I can take myself from this dirty floorD
and walk through buildings of eleganceD
just like you are intelligent.G
But still I fall from grace with this microphone.G
How'd you find yourself if you never roam?D
Certainly, I'm indebted baby.D
Certainly, certainly, yeah.A
I know my place but it don't know me.A
I know my place but it don't know me.G
No one wants to hear that you're breakin' up.G
It wasn't long ago we said, "Start me up."D
Now all your dreamin' will have to wait.D
While you discern, you'll anticipate.G
Play your 45 records late at night,G
open all the windows, turn out the light.D
Mysterious creatures will fill the room;D
a midnight show just put on for you.G
But still I fall from grace with this microphoneG
How'd you find yourself if you never roam?D
Certainly, I'm indebted baby.D
Certainly, certainly, yeah.A
I know my place but it don't know me.A
I know my place but it don't know me.D
G x2
Cold fame in my brain, but )
G ) x10
it's okay 'cause I know it's the best for me. )D
G x2
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Sobre esta música: Cold Fame
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