24 Acordes usados na música: Em, G, G/F#, G7, C, G#, Gm/A#, Gmsus2, Am, Bm, Dm, F, C/B, C/Bb, Fm, Eb, Dm7, Gm, A#, F7, C#7, A, A7, C#m
Avalie a canção!
Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
Intro: Em
Come what may. Lay your eggs where it's warm
Come here to swarm
Come by sea. Swarm like smoke in the dawn
G G/F# G7 C
We were the young --- We were the swarm. radiolarians
G# Gm/A# Gmsus2/A
Midges and moths. Cut from the cloth We were the young
G (just the note)
We were the swarm
Break: Am G# Bm Am G# Bm
Am G
Flailing fetal fleas feeding from the arms of the master
Am G
Burrow into me This is sure to misspell disaster
Oh and the young in their larva state orchestrating plays
investments of translucent alabaster
Break: Dm C Em F
So they took me to the hospital
They put my body through a scan
What they saw there would impress them all
for inside me grows a man
he speaks with perfect diction
as he orders my eviction
Dm7 Gm
as he acts with more conviction than I, I ,I
Break: Am G# Bm Am G# Bm
Oh burrow into me
this is sure to misspell disaster
Oh burrow into me
feeding from the arms of the master
Break: Dm C Em F
C C/B C/Bb F Fm Eb Dm7 Gm
A# F
We were the young We were the swarm
F7 Am
We were the young Radiolarians
Am G
We were the young We were the swarm
C#7 Bm
We were the young Radiolarians
Bm A
We were the young We were the swarm
A7 C#m
We were the young Radiolarians
Come what may, come what may, come
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Sobre esta música: Masters Warm
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